the short story magazine

Short stories always welcome from new and established writers. Articles about writing; newsletter containing feedback from readers. Free critiques offered on all unsuitable work for annual subscribers. At least 84 pages in each issue.

Over £100.00 in prizes in each issue.

Awarded ‘Best Short Fiction Magazine 2007’ in small press category, by Writers’ Grand Circle,

for consistent quality of content and production.

‘The judges were delighted to award Scribble the top award for short fiction because it provided the most constant opportunity for new and emerging writers to be published. This fine publication provides constant quarterly opportunities for creative people.

The judges commented on the strong design, providing a recognisable image; the critiques were honest and reflected views of a constructive manner both praising and pointing out perceived short-comings. The judges were delighted to learn the publication is about to enter its tenth year of publication.’

Writers' Grand Circle
December 2007

2008 Awards:

1st in Class

‘Small Press Magazines for experienced and emerging writers of short fiction in UK’

‘Scribble has strong design values and it has an excellent rapport with writers.

The short fiction content was of a very high standard. The editorial control was constant and the low cost and free entry for subscribers offered real value.’

Writers’ Grand Circle
December 2008.

    Printed Version

  • An annual subscription to Scribble in the U.K. costs £19.00. We regret that, because of the high postage costs, we are no longer accepting overseas subscriptions for the printed version, however subscriptions for the eBook can be found below.
  • All prices inclusive of p&p.
  • Cheques payable to Park Publications

  • The autumn 2024 edition of Scribble (number 103) is now available. This issue contains 84 pages of stories, a lively 'feedback' section and information about our upcoming competitions plus the results of the readers' voting on the stories in the last issue. To be sure of your copy, subscribe now to either the print version or the eBook by clicking on the Pay Pal buttons provided. As soon as we receive confirmation you will immediately be entitled to free entry and free critiques.

    With an annual subscription you will receive four issues of Scribble (in March, June, September and December) and will be entitled to FREE critiques and FREE entry to all of our competitions. Subscribe now by clicking on the button above.

  • If you are not quite sure about taking out an annual subscription why not have a look at a back issue first? You can obtain a FREE print back copy (UK only) by clicking the PayPal button below to pay just £2.50 to cover postage costs. Or, for a free look inside a pdf copy of a recent eBook, please send your email address.
    • eBook Version

    • An annual subscription to Scribble costs £12.00 worldwide.
    • Purchase an Annual Subscription here and immediately be entitled to FREE critiques and FREE entry to all of our competitions.

    Your eBook will be emailed to you as soon as we receive confirmation of your subscription. You will also receive free access to apps that will enable you to read the magazine on your preferred device (phone, Kindle, etc)

    About Scribble

    SCRIBBLE the short story magazine, was launched at the beginning of 1999 and has developed into one of the UK's most popular general fiction magazines.

    Scribble is in A5 booklet format, or as an eBook, and is published quarterly; Scribble contains a wide range of high quality fiction from new and established writers.

    Each issue contains 84 pages of entertaining short stories including a letters’ section where readers can pass comment on the stories and the magazine in general.

    The three prize-winning stories are chosen each quarter by a readers’ voting system.

    LENGTH...Ideally 1000 to 3000 words

    SUBJECT...Any subject.

    PAYMENT...Prizes of £75.00, £25.00, and £15.00, as chosen by the readers for the best three stories.

    All other contributors will receive a complimentary printed copy of the issue in which their work appears.

    Stories from non-subscribers are welcome but must be accompanied by the entry fee.

    Entry fee is £5.00 per story. Pay on the 'competitions' page with PayPal. (or by cheque payable to Park Publications).

    Free unlimited entry for subscribers.

    Why not become an annual subscriber and take advantage of our free critique service?

    Pay online now and receive your first issue within days.

Publishers of SCRIBBLE – the short story magazine.



‘For consistent quality and value for money’

‘The judges couldn’t find better opportunities for writers of short fiction than the above three titles in the UK.’